Software development

K-KONSERVATOR is developing software for conservators and similar professionals. It facilitates within documentation work and information management. Essentially are the software developed for windows environment and works both on stand-alone computers and in client-server solutions. They are developed in in the .NET platform and are a multi-layered, scalable client-server solutions. It is easy to install and mantain on client computers with the Click-Once technology.

KDTools – Architectural finishes investigation (APR)

KDTools is a software for documentation, processing and communicate/visualize information within Architechtural finishes research and it’s designed to allow for interdisciplinary work processes. KDTools version 2.6 was released in Januari 2018 with thesauri in four languages (nb-NO, sv-SE, da-DK, en-GB).

Users and references

  • Den Gamle By (Denmark)
  • The Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU)
  • Stockholms målerikonservering AB (Sweden)
  • Gothenburg University (Department of Conservation)